산마을 리얼칩 (9종)
Strawberry 13g, Blueberry 20g, Mango 20g, Melon 10g, Apple 15g, Korean Pear 15g, Tangerine 10g, Pineapple 20g, and Sweet Corn 35g
Lotus Root Flavor: EXP 11/20/2024 (50% OFF)
Freeze-dried Korean eco-friendly agricultural products and made them into chips.
It is contained only the produce!
Anyone can enjoy it even babies, and unlike regular fried snacks, it is a chip that contains all the colors, flavors, and nutrients of produce.
It's better to eat it as soon as possible after opening and keep it in the freezer after sealing it well. Because it is an agricultural product, it can harden because it is sensitive to humidity. Make sure to seal it.
연근: 유통기한 11/20/2024 (50% 할인)
한국산 친환경 농산물을 동결건조하여 칩으로 만들었어요. 100% 원물로만 만든 동결건조 칩!
아기부터 누구나 즐길 수 있으며, 기름에 튀긴 일반 과자와는 달리 농산물의 색과 맛, 영양이 모두 담겨있는 칩이에요.
개봉 후에는 가능한 한 빨리 섭취하시고 밀봉을 잘하여 냉동실에 보관해 두시면 더욱 좋아요. 농산물이기 때문에 습도에 민감하여 굳을 수 있어요. 밀봉을 꼭! 해주세요.