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코메가 날 들깨기름


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Komega's Unbaked Perilla Oil which is honestly squeezed by pressing once without roasting or Baking!

Raw perilla oil is contained with vegetable omega 3, which is an unsaturated fatty acid, so it is an oil for health.

It's a real perilla oil that's squeezed only once by low temperature compression without stir-frying perilla seeds.

볶지 않고 한 번만 압착하여 정직하게 짜낸 착한 기름, 코메가 날 들깨기름!

생 들깨기름은 불포화 지방산인 식물성 오메가3가 가득해 건강을 생각한 기름이에요.

들깨를 볶지 않고 저온 압착으로 딱 한 번만 짜낸 진짜 생들기름이에요.